Class XI Workbook Solution

Question 1

import java.util.Scanner;

class Library


        String name, author;

        double price, d, r, total_amt;




                name = "";

                d = 0.0;

                r = 0.0;

                total_amt = 0.0;


        void accept()


                Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

                System.out.println("Enter book, author's name, cost, no. of days taken to return");

                name = sc.nextLine();

                author = sc.nextLine();

                price = sc.nextInt();

                d = sc.nextInt();



        void compute()


                double noed = d-5;

                if(noed <= 5)        

                        r = 2 * noed;

                else if(noed <= 10)        

                        r = 3 * noed;


                        r = 5 * noed;

                total_amt = (2/100.0 * price * d) + r;


        void show()


                System.out.println("Book Name: " + name);

                System.out.println("Author Name: " + author);

                System.out.println("Book Price: " + price);

                System.out.println("Total No. Return Days : " + d);

                System.out.println("Fine Amount: " + r);

                System.out.println("Total Amount: " + total_amt);


        static void main()


                Library L = new Library();






Question 2

class employee


        String empname;

        int empcode;

        double basicpay;




                empname = "";

                empcode = 0;

                basicpay = 0;


        employee(String n, int p, double q)


                empname = n;

                empcode = p;

                basicpay = q;


        double salarycal()


                double HRA = 30.0/100 * basicpay;

                double DA = 40.0/100 * basicpay;

                double salary = basicpay + HRA + DA;

                double SA = 0.0;


                if(empcode <= 15 && salary <= 15000)

                        SA = 20.0/100 * salary;

                if(empcode > 15)

                        SA = 1000;


                if(SA > 2500)

                        SA = 2500;


                salary += SA;

                return salary;



        static void main()


                employee e1 = new employee();

                employee e2 = new employee("abcd", 14, 14000);

                System.out.println("Salary: " + e1.salarycal());

                System.out.println("Salary: " + e2.salarycal());



Question 3

class Emirp


        int n, rev;

        Emirp(int nn)


                n = nn;

                rev = 0;


        int isPrime(int x)


                int count = 0;

                for(int i=1; i<=x; i++)


                        if(x % i == 0)



                if(count == 2)

                        return 1;


                        return -1;


        void isEmirp()


                int t = n;



                        int d = t%10;

                        rev = rev*10 + d;

                        t = t/10;


                if(isPrime(n) == 1 && isPrime(rev) == 1)

                        System.out.println(n + " is an emirp no.");


                        System.out.println(n + " is not an emirp no.");


        void main()


                Emirp obj = new Emirp(13);




Question 4

class TheString


        String str;

        int len, wordcount, cons;









        TheString(String ds)


                str = ds;


        void countFreq()


                len = str.length();

                str = str.toUpperCase();

                for(int i=0; i<len; i++)


                        char ch = str.charAt(i);

                        if(ch == ' ')


                        //if not space and not a vowel cons++

                        else if(ch != 'A' && ch != 'E' && ch != 'I' && ch != 'O' && ch != 'U')



                if(len > 0)



        void Display()


                System.out.println("Original String: " + str);

                System.out.println("Word Count: " + wordcount);

                System.out.println("Consonant Count: " + cons);


        static void main()


                TheString obj1 = new TheString("This is a test");





Question 5

import java.util.Scanner;

class FiboString


        String x, y, z;

        int n;



                x = "a";

                y = "b";

                z = "ba";


        void accept()


                Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

                System.out.println("Enter value of n");

                n = sc.nextInt();


        void generate()


                System.out.print(x + ", " + y + ", " + z);

                for(int i = 4; i<=n; i++)


                        x = y; //b

                        y = z; //ba

                        z = y + x;

                        System.out.print(", " + z);



        static void main()


                FiboString obj = new FiboString();



